I have an overlay image ( consider it as a container image or I can split it to 2 images) and need to put a video inside it ( in the black area ) .The problem is that I need to make this works for different video sizes which all of them have the same aspect ratio (16:9 video aspect ratio )These are the video sizes I have :
1280 x 720 ( aspect ratio is 16:9 )1920 x 1080n ( aspect ratio is 16:9 )2560 x 1440 ( aspect ratio is 16:9 )
I have an image overlay to contain these videos, How can I first dynamicly resize this image overlay based on width of input video and then put the video on it ?since I have different video sizes I cannot say the proper position of video to be overlaid on image , is there any trick like using percentages instead of pixel ?
the height of the top image and bottom image are not the same :
this is the overlay image : https://i.ibb.co/4SCMhqL/sample-overlay.jpg